Welcome to noscrape

Welcome to the official documentation for noscrape! This guide will help you understand the concept, usage, and benefits of integrating noscrape into your projects.


The primary mechanism behind noscrape is the utilization of any true-type font. Noscrape generates a new version with shuffled unicodes, ensuring that it's impossible to reverse-calculate them. This means that both strings and integers are obfuscated and can only be deciphered using the generated obfuscation-font.

While the glyph-paths inside the font cannot be entirely removed, they are obfuscated by randomly shifting them slightly. This makes it challenging to reverse-calculate them, though not entirely impossible, especially for machine learning algorithms. We are open to suggestions for improving this aspect.

sequenceDiagram participant User participant Server participant Noscrape User->>Server: Send Request Server->>Noscrape: Initialize noscrape Server->>Noscrape: obfuscatedText1 = noscrape.obfuscate("text to obfuscate") Server->>Noscrape: obfuscatedText2 = noscrape.obfuscate("another textblock") Noscrape-->>Server: Return Obfuscated Text Server->>Noscrape: font = noscrape.render() Noscrape-->>Server: Return Generated Font Server->>User: Send HTML Response with Obfuscated Text and Embedded Font

Platform Implementation

noscrape is not implemented directly in every programming language. Instead, it utilizes platform-specific binaries to achieve its functionality. These binaries include:

  • noscrape_darwin_arm64
  • noscrape_darwin_x86_64
  • noscrape_linux_arm64
  • noscrape_linux_x86_64
  • noscrape_windows_x86_64.exe

These binaries serve as the core engine of noscrape, handling the generation of obfuscated text using true-type fonts with shuffled unicodes. They are compiled to run efficiently on specific operating systems and architectures.

Note: If you require noscrape for a different operating system or architecture combination, please open a GitHub issue, and we'll work on providing support for it.

Wrapper Implementations

The implementations provided in languages such as PHP, Java, and Node.js act as wrappers for these binaries. Their main purpose is to facilitate communication with the noscrape binaries, providing them with the necessary inputs and configurations to generate obfuscated text.

These wrapper implementations handle tasks such as:

  • Collecting input data from the application or user.
  • Calling the appropriate noscrape binary based on the host platform.
  • Passing the input data to the noscrape binary for obfuscation.
  • Returning the obfuscated text or other outputs back to the application.

By utilizing wrappers, noscrape can seamlessly integrate with a wide range of programming languages and environments while maintaining its core functionality across different platforms.

Let's make the web a safer place with noscrape!