Noscrape - PHP


To begin, install the noscrape library using Composer, which allows you to effortlessly manage your project's dependencies:

$ composer require noscrape/noscrape

New Instance

Create a new instance of the noscrape class by providing the path to your desired font file. This sets up noscrape to use the specified font for obfuscating text:

$noscrape = new Noscrape("path/to/font.ttf");


Obfuscate your text by calling the obfuscate method on your noscrape instance. This will convert your text into a series of unique characters from the Private Use Area (PUA) of Unicode, making it unreadable by standard means.

obfuscate text
    $obfuscatedText = $noscrape->obfuscate("text to obfuscate");

    echo $obfuscatedText;
    > 

obfuscate a number
    $obfuscatedInt = $noscrape->obfuscate(1337);

obfuscate an array
    $obfuscatedArray = $noscrape->obfuscate([
        "test" => "This is a Test",
        "another" => [
            "test" => "This is another Test",
        "test" => "",
        "another" => [
            "test" => "",


Render the obfuscated font into a Base64-encoded string using the render method. This encoded string can then be embedded directly into your HTML for easy use:

$b64Font = $noscrape->render();

echo $b64Font;

Putting it together

Combine everything into a complete HTML document. Embed the Base64-encoded font directly in your HTML using the @font-face rule and apply the obfuscated font to your text with CSS. This ensures that the obfuscated text is displayed correctly in the browser:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    @font-face {
        font-family: 'noscrape-obfuscated';
        src: url("data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,{{ $font }}")

    .obfuscated {
        font-family: "noscrape-obfuscated";
    <div class="obfuscated">{{ $obfuscatedText }}</div>

Laravel Example

In a Laravel application, you can easily integrate noscrape by creating a new instance of the noscrape class in your controller or route. Use the public_path function to provide the path to your font file. Pass the obfuscated text and font to your view:

Route::get('/', function () {
    $noscrape = new Noscrape(public_path("font/anyfont.ttf"));

    return view('welcome', [
        'title' => $noscrape->obfuscate("Welcome to Noscrape"),
        'description' => $noscrape->obfuscate("This is text is obfuscated."),
        'font' => $noscrape->render()